We Built Embeddables To Power The Next Generation Of Democracy Tools

The team behind Embeddables has spent almost a decade building tools helping millions of people vote. Embeddables is the tool we always wished we had.

Our work has been covered by brands including
BBC logo
The Guardian logo
Buzzfeed logo
Independent logo
The Huffington Post logo
UK Parliament logo

Note to our mums: Embeddables to democracy is to us what Starlink is to SpaceX. It makes great use of our technology, helps us get good at what we do and funds our larger mission without compromising our values (like selling data to political parties).

We're building tools for the u.K. general election 2024, and they're all free.

Whether you're a news outlet looking for a custom constituency profile embed or a voter looking for free, impartial advice - Embeddables is offering more tools than ever to help drive informed participation in the July 4th Election.

We'll be updating this page with the tools and how to access them in the coming days.
Thanks To Our Backers

Our Platform Brings Best-In-Class Tooling To The World Of Citizen Tech

Civic tools usually take months or years to build, cost a small fortune, and have a one-shot-on-goal problem.

Our tech now underpins organizations like Vote for Policies, which has been informing millions of voters about upcoming elections in the UK for over a decade.

Our own voting tool, GE2017, was used by 2.5m people to find out which party they matched with.

With Embeddables, we and other teams are able to create, scale and optimize ideas until they reach product-market fit, all in a space of days and weeks and on a fraction of the budget.

By Buying From Us, You’re Powering A Healthy Democracy

We deliberately don’t make the majority of our revenue directly from elections, allowing us to ensure that our work always focuses exclusively on informing the public as best we can.

So when you use our platform to build a calculator or onboarding flow for your website, you’re funding our wider mission to build a healthy democracy at election time and beyond.

What We Stand For

Yes we're a Silicon Valley based, VC backed tech company. But our aspirations are so much bigger than being just another SaaS tool. We're working on a new business model that puts improving society at its very core.

Ensuring access to free and fair information.

It's stupid that it's 2023 and we're having to still sort through bias and spin. We think people should be able to make up their own minds.

Building tools to reach 90% voter turnout rates.

Every challenge we face, from climate change to AI, involves democracy. But the tools we have to inform and empower are stuck in the 1900's. We're fixing that.

Free from profit-maximing motivation.

Most companies either sell data (*cough* Cambridge Analytica) or are funded by a party. We're neither. Instead we make money from selling software to growth teams.

Built to be around for decades to come.

It's going to take time to get people to trust democracy again. So we're busy focussing on creating a durable brand and business model that even our grandchildren will trust (we hope).

Frequently Asked Questions

Because, let's be honest, not many B2B companies have such a wide-reaching mission - so you're bound to have questions.

Do you really build your own products using Embeddables?

Yes. In face you can play with one right now on voteforpolicies.org.uk. Everything you see on that link is built on Embeddables. Around 1,000,000 unique voters will use this tool in the 2024 General Election.

Why did you launch Embeddables?

TL;DR: Both of our founders Matt and Jeremy met on Twitter building free election tools. The blocker we always faced was either needing to spend months coding (Jeremy) or spend a small fortune on a dev agency (Matt). We thought if we built a platform to quickly create and launch ideas, we'd get more 'shots on goal'. It turns out this tool is really useful for other things as well so we also made it available to teams focussing on growing other parts of the internet.

Do you sell my data?

No. We make money from selling software not data.

Are you politically motivated?

Our sole focus is increasing participation rates in elections and trust in democracy. That's our motivation.

Where can I send a question?

Please email us at founders@embeddables.com.

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